Survey: A Weblogging Conference in Vancouver?

While lying in bed this morning, I had an idea: Why not organize a conference about weblogging here in Vancouver? After showering, it still seemed like a good idea, so I figured the next step was to do some market research.

I threw together this little survey (thanks to Tom Murphy for the survey site recommendation). If you’re a weblogger in British Columbia, or somebody who’s interested in blogging, please take a minute to fill it in. It’s only 9 questions, and 7 of those are multiple choice.

More importantly, spread the word. I’m going to email some people, but the more respondents, the better. After all, we don’t want to throw a party if no one’s going to come.

Right now, I’m imagining a single-day conference in Vancouver no earlier than this fall. There would be some kind of fee to get in (there’s a question in the survey regarding how much folks are willing to pay), but there would also be some free introductory sessions for those newbies interested in the basics of blogging. The survey lists a bunch of proposed conference topics, but I’d be keen to hear what others wanted to hear about. There’s also a spot on the survey to include your email address, if you want to be notified if and when we actually schedule the conference.

UPDATE: In case you’re a search engine user and have happened upon this page, you might be interested that this notion turned into Northern Voice, a blogging conference in Vancouver in February, 2005.


  1. On your survey I noticed mention of a Blogging/Journalism convergence topic. Just so you know, the upcoming CAJ (Canadian Association of Journalists) conference does have a panel on this topic scheduled. Not that it makes holding a future one redundant, just thought you might like to know.

    The schedule is here:

  2. interesting, i’d attend, as i said in the survey, but i wouldn’t pay very much for it. less than $50 for sure, but more than $0.

  3. Yes, oh yes! I was feeling left out after having to turn down an invite to BloggerCon – one in Vancouver would be much easier to get to than Boston. Going to the survey now, and – true to form – I’ll blog about it later too 😉

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