From Dawn til Dusk at the Gap

Via BoingBoing, we find this entertaining entry about somebody who meets Quentin Tarantino in a mall:

“That’s a dynamite purse. Where’d you get it?” As I turned to respond to the question and the little bells in my head went off alerting me to the fact that the voice I heard sounded just like Quentin…oh my God I would recognize that big bell pepper of a head anywhere…Tarantino! My pink vinyl purse with two black cats joined at the tail often generates conversation, had I known that the man who brought me Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction would engage me in conversation I would have paid 10 times the price.

Later, they go to some place called Crate and Barrel (turns out it’s a kind of Pottery Barn) and the Gap to find a “not too faggy polo shirt”.

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