Sam Bulte is in the Pockets of the Canadian Recording Industry

Via Boing Boing, we find Michael Geist’s endictment of the, er, Honourable Sam Bulte, MP for Parkdale-High Park. She previously authored a one-sided report about the state of Canadian copyright law, and Geist accused her of being in the Canadian recording industry’s pocket. She denied these allegations.

Now it turns out that the industry is throwing her a fundraiser at CAN $250/plate:

The sponsors of this event, to be held four days before the election?

Margo Timmons of the Cowboy Junkies is performing at the event (PDF). As Geist points out, Timmons is CRIA President Graham Henderson’s partner. This is interesting because I’ve heard Timmons quoted on more than one occasion saying that she supports file sharing. More importantly, I believe that her band permits bootlegging at their concerts.

UPDATE: Michael Geist has a follow-up post on just how dubious Ms. Bulte’s contributions look.

1 comment

  1. I’ve been watching Sam Bulte and the riding of Parkdale–High Park for a while on Digital Copyright Canada. As an independent Canadian creator I believe that views like those held by Bulte, not copyright infringement, is the greatest threat to Canadian creators and innovators.

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