Windows Vista = Apple’s OS X?

I’m not really picking on Microsoft, it just looks that way. Last week, Bill Gates et al had a big splashy keynote at CES. Among other things, they discussed innovations in Windows Vista.

Over at, Eden has mixed the audio up with an Apple screencast, demonstrating that Vista’s new features have been in OS X for a while. There’s a second video as well. Thanks to Derek for this.


  1. no way windows=os
    apple sucks the only good thing to come out of apple is there ipods but besides that apple cant even compar to microsoft

  2. no way windows=os
    apple sucks the only good thing to come out of apple is there ipods but besides that apple cant even compar to microsoft

  3. d00d! m$ and apple both sux big time! omg! yor a lo43r if you dont think so. i youse only linux and that makes me way cool

  4. I quite like OS X, though it’s sometimes a little too hand-holdy. Having BSD on the backend is great though – if Finder is pissing me off I can always drop to a shell and find what I’m looking for (this works great for copying mp3s off of an ipod, for instance).

  5. Mac OS is very good stuff!
    Light years ahead of micromush, but costly for no reason.

    Microscuz, bumbling version X, Y or Z, at $200.00 average, has a finite life because of the predatory nature of the software. Upgrade$ are very costly!

    You can’t see how it works, you can’t do anything with it and you don’t really even own it. You’ve been licensed, like a dog on a leash!

    All you really purchased is the right to use it only the way THEY tell you to.

    It will eventually become a curiosity in history books.

    Linux is the smart play.
    The proof is the U.S. department of defense uses Linux.

    Their analogy was “why pay for a leaky bathtub when you can get one for free?”

    They don’t talk about the improvements they have made with the software, of course, but apparently the graphic capabilities are out of this world! And one of their desktops has one hundred times your power, shhhh!

    Ubuntu Linux is FREE for the asking and in use worldwide. Open framework means freedom to learn, explore and improve software.

    Most programmers prefer to use Linux over any other software.

    Ubuntu is supported and there is Open Office FREE software as well. That’s free, as opposed to microclot’s version at $150.00 average cost for the same thing.

    Are you beginning to feel like a sucker yet? Wait, it gets better!

    Smart Linux will eventually supplant micromoronic microspaz pay, pay, and pay some more software, because it is really stupid to pay for something you can get for free anyway.

    And, by the way, if microsputter ever causes you problems, or you forget your password, parachute right into it, using linux knoppix virtual OS. Scram your vital information out of there at zero cost to you. As opposed to fancy, costly Micromoron helpsters.

    By now you have most probably come to the conclusion that I hold micromush in very low esteem.

    I guess I just don’t like dangerous predators very much.

    Some states are passing legislation to use only freeware systems. Smart! A little late but smart nonetheless.
    And, funny thing about freeware, the more people use it, the better it gets. Kind of like getting free upgrades on a regular basis. That is FREE, in case you didn’t catch the first time.

    Moving away from microslut systems is about the healthiest thing you can do for your wallet, and the fastest way to making major improvements because everyone can contribute!

    And using open and free software is simply the right thing to do.
    The world is getting smaller, people, and we need to begin helping each other for the greater good of the planet, the way God intended us to.

    That’s my opinion, anyway.

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