Monsieur Scoble Moves on to Greener Pastures

According to Silicon Valley Watcher (and confirmed by Chris and Michael), uber-blogger and Channel 9 dude Robert Scoble is leaving Microsoft for

Mr Scoble has expressed frustration working at Microsoft and he has also been unhappy with his compensation. He has created a tremendous amount of positive publicity for Microsoft but there have been many within the organisation that have resented his very public position. The company has not been able to control his views or his travels to various conferences and blogger meetings.

Whether Microsoft liked it or not, Robert became one of the company’s most prominent faces. He’s done a remarkable job of humanizing the Imperial Empire, and they’re going to miss the incredible PR value he delivered.

I’ll always be indebted to Robert for coming and doing the first Northern Voice conference. Good luck to Robert at, and good luck to Microsoft in finding someone to adequately replace him.


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