I’m Going to Try Second Life Again

I just caught a lunch session here at Gnomedex. It was all about Second Life, run by Linden Labber Beth Goza. I asked a bunch of questions, which she answered very well.

I’ve written about Second Life before, and tried it for a week or two. Like all MMPORGs (though several people have asserted to me that Second Life isn’t a game), I found its lack of clear objectives frustrating and got bored pretty quickly. Also, and this will be an unpopular opinion, it was ugly, cluttered and incredibly laggy.

Over the past couple of days, though, I’ve been talking to sundry people (Beth, Eric, Robert, Michael, John) about what Second Life is, and more importantly what it will be. I’ve become convinced that it’s something important, and worth paying attention to.

There are new (business, entertainment, relationship, and so forth) models being invented, evolving, failing and succeeding, and I’d like to understand them a little better. It may not be as fun as getting slaughtered in Battlefield 2, but it’s research worth doing.

When I get a chance, I’m going to try to rediscover my avatar (Lord knows what his name was), make sure there’s not a beer bottle in my ear, and give the game another try.

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  1. Pingback: Laurent's Blog
  2. i like it. “I found its lack of clear objectives frustrating and got bored pretty quickly. ” nice post.

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