Prairie Folk to Get Free Wifi

Both of my parents are from Saskatchewan, so it gets occasional abuse in our house for being, you know, flat and empty. I do, however, have to give credit where it’s due–they’re implementing free wireless Internet access in their four largest cities (including, I assume, the city that rhymes with fun):

The Saskatchewan! Connected initiative will offer users basic Internet service in Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Regina, and Moose Jaw via a wireless Wi-Fi network to be operated by the government Information Technology Office, SaskTel and other partners. The service will also be available in select business districts in close proximity to downtown Saskatoon and Regina.

“Expanding the province’s information technology infrastructure was one of the many ideas presented by Saskatchewan youth at the recent Youth Summit in Saskatoon,” Calvert said. “This exciting initiative is just one more way of enhancing the progressive image of Saskatchewan’s communities as the best place for young people to work, live and build strong futures.”

Lucky bastards. It’s not going to cost a lot of money, either: “The capital cost of the project will be $1.3 million, with annual operating costs of $339,000.”. Meanwhile, the Vancouver police are paranoid about the terrorism implications of wireless networks. Thanks to Brian for the story.


  1. It might be flat and empty, not to mention cold, but its people have their way with a snazzy title. Whenever I talk about this program — and I will, a lot — I’ll be sure to observe the daring internal punctuation of the “Saskatchewan! Connected” initiative.

  2. If all Saskatoon had going for it was free Wi-Fi, I’d be on the first Air Canada Jazz flight out of here.

    There are a lot of fine reasons to live in Sask: Gorgeous spring summers & fall, (winter is Nov-Mar and I admit, it does suck – but our rainy seasons don’t last 6 months)

    Educated population (this is a University city after all), and relatively cheap living expenses (I’m selling a 750 Sq Foot 2 bedroom condo for 110K, which in Vancouver would probably cost someone about 350K)

    Also – the wifi is going to be pretty slow from what I’ve read, so it won’t be widely adopted.

  3. Take it from one who knows: the Vancouver police are paranoid about everything. Ever deal with their Media Relations people? I just did an end run around them and called the people I wanted to speak to directly, which of course the Media Relations people didn’t find out about until four months later, when they finally returned my calls.

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